bawdy ambition

>> 24.10.10

since i have entered the world of alcohol, i can say with a surety 2 things: one...i'm not coming back and two...i want to be a master drink mixer. when i was living pre-alcohol i was mixing 'mocktails', i even had a book on it, but i grew up and got sexy (lol). this bawdy ambition literally dropped in my head one day (probably as i was sipping my favorite drink), and with every passing day, every drink i drink, and every pretty bartender i see, i am even more convinced that this is one of my callings.

bought this today at the LCBO
also, i knew when i mixed my first drink..strawberry kiwi crystal light, vodka and a wedge of lemon. tell me that isn't bawd.

this will be easier to attain once i move into my own apartment, and i can have my liquor all about the place and not hidden in my room all about the place. i was thinking of even taking a bartending course to enhance my hidden talent (all thanx to the 'lamoi'..see above drink mixture), but in the meantime i'll continue to make trips to the LCBO, experimenting, and turning to websites dedicated to drink mixing like

and i will make it. i will be that pretty bartender i see mixing drinks, but instead i'll be in my pencil skirt, white wifebeater and heels standing behind my counter, entertaining my friends, and wowing their tastebuds...or in a white wife beater, in bed watching dexter. either way, i will evolve from mixing 'lamoi' to mixing (insert well thought of witty name here).

i'm well on my way!
btw, my favorite drink is orange cranberry and rum.

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when someone abuses the privilage of being in your life...take the privilage away.

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