whores and sticky notes
>> 1.11.10
so, i'm fresh from watching tyler perry's 'for coloured girls'. i will not make mention of my reaction as this is not what this post is about, but i will share my thoughts on one aspect of the movie.
tanzi. a character in the movie played by thandie newton. and she played a very good whore too, very convincing, but as i was watching the movie and her character's straight, curved, narrow, long, short and stumpy path to destruction, i had an 'uhmmm moment'.
here goes....
tanzi, like many women was a whore because her father touched her. sexually molested her. so to fill her emptiness and her longing for love, to feel love which escalated into the need to feel desired, she filled her soul with meaningless sex. and i get that. sadly that happens too often. as i briefly shared before, i too was sexually touched repeatedly by a family member which caused me to now have to battle my own demons, namely being bisexuality. so i get it.
but about what the women who are whores because they want to be? no daddy fingers, no touchy babysitters, nothing like that, good home, good family, good upbringing, but they themselves have loose morals, no sense of consequence, and a MASSIVE love for sex. they choose to be in the company of dick, dick, and dick. choice by choice.
it seems like it's so easy to slap a label on everything these days...'you are, because of'...'you do, because this was done'...'it's not your fault'. and like i said, i get that. but i also get people being accountable for their actions, and choices. i get women being bold enough, and grown enough to own up to who they are without feeling compelled to be covered by a sticky note. a label.
for those suffering because of the actions and crappy decisions of others. i'm sorry, and i know there is healing. i am reaching out to God for mine.
for those looking to be covered by a sticky note so they don't have to face themselves in the mirror, and come in genuine contact with who they have chosen to be. grow up. there is no beauty and no confidence in denial. i'm not saying being a whore is right. but if you are by your decision, you should be confident enough in your decision to own up to it. people that have nothing to hide, do not hide behind meaningless labels.
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