there must be piss
>> 25.11.10
if ya'll don't know by now, i am a seriously funny person. God gifted me with a wicked sense of humor and an amazing ability to tell and retell stories in a way that will have you rolling. when that gifting took place though i don't know because my mom says i wasn't always funny.
along with a wicked sense of humor i am painfully sarcastic which is beneficial to everyone around me especially those on the recieving end. i have no boundaries and will say anything that comes to my mouth, which of course always makes me the clown everywhere i go.
the girl that says random things. the most innapropriate things at the best yet inappropriate times.
i recently got a primary role in a local stage play. a comedy. where i have to be funny on stage for a total of 3 nights., i'm not 100% sure i can do this, because random, brass, story telling arm flaling funny, is horribly different from comedic timing, people staring at you expecting to piss from laughing funny. soo, yeah. i'm not 100% sure i can do this. i mean i can act in my kitchen, but on stage? o_o
as much as I know it was God that placed me in this role, as it was basically written for me to play it even before i auditioned, it is an incredibly daunting task...especially since i don't act.
i am going to have to seriously depend on him to bump up the funny.
2 lip prints:
Im sure you'll do great mama :-)
thanx eddie :)
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