contradiction adoration

>> 21.10.10

ex. the kisser. recovering ms.rubies. i am such a contradiction.

on one hand, my mouth is foul, i think about sex alot, i talk about it even more, my humor is raunchy and morbid, and i have an attitude problem. on the other hand i am a saint, the daughter of a pastor struggling to build and maintain a relationship with God, lover of people, giver of great advice, all around good girl.

and so i had to create a place where i could be both, and be me in all my imperfect beauty, my thoughts, my opinons, and my attitude splattered over lip prints because i am strangely obsessed with lip prints (and kissing). now that i think about it, maybe i shouldn't love the contradicton that is me, that could be part of my struggle...but the little high pitched low sexy voice in my head questions me 'why can't you just be both?'

i guess we'll just have to see won't we. if i can be both. if naughty and nice can live together in perfect harmony, i mean doesn't everyone have a little naughty in them? maybe the question will evolve into 'how much naughty is too much naughty' because no one will ever tell you that you can be too nice.

the kisser meet ms.rubies.
oh! and by the way, i never write with capitals if i don't have to, that's part of my rebellion.

6 lip prints:

Dave "Loose Cannon" Wills October 23, 2010 at 6:59 PM  

Great to have you back in the writing world. Though I am still plotting my glorious return as well! Lol.

But to find that perfect balance, that yin-yang within does help to make everything flow well. So kudos to you for attempting to blend the naughty with the nice.

Lamoi October 23, 2010 at 8:56 PM  

thanx dave! i'm defin trying to see where i am comfortable, and to just be myself.

i can't wait for your return :)

Thee_Kween October 24, 2010 at 6:42 PM  

There is nothing to say to said it all...

"why can't i be both?" can be. You're more than those two that makes you everything you are. Embrace it, Kissyface ;)

Lamoi October 24, 2010 at 9:55 PM  

*embracing it*
loves you!

Afrodeezha October 27, 2010 at 12:04 PM  

Wow, are you my sister? Swear we have the same issue and same clergical parental unit.

Essynce21 December 5, 2010 at 6:08 PM  

I promise a billions time over we have so much in common and the difference are just intriguing! Keep it all coming! I am loving all that is you in your raw honesty!

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said by me...
when someone abuses the privilage of being in your life...take the privilage away.

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